Intercept Maths

Privacy Policy

Intercept Maths Privacy Policy (Effective from 1st July 2024)

Hi and welcome to Intercept Maths! In order to comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), this website needs a privacy policy. Please read it carefully- I’ll try to keep it short :).

I reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time, but I will notify You of significant changes and, if required, obtain Your renewed consent. I will always try to contact You with the updated Privacy Policy if I can.

First off, let’s define some terms I’ll use in this policy:

“This website” / “website” / “Intercept Maths” refers to This also applies to any subdomains using the domain

“Products” / “Product” refers to any product sold on this website.

“You” / “Your” refers to You the reader/user of this website or Products.

“I” / “me” refers to me, Tom Smith, the owner of this website and Products.

You can contact me at

The types of data I collect and why

I collect the following data for the purposes listed:

  • Email addresses: When You contact me, sign up for my mailing list, buy something, comment on an Intercept Maths blog post/page, or do anything else where You enter/use Your email address on this website or anywhere else associated with Intercept Maths (e.g., if you give me Your email address in a direct message on social media), I store that email address for contact and marketing purposes. I reserve the right to use Your email address to contact You personally, even if You used it to e.g., sign up for my email mailing list, bought something, contacted me etc. This is to enable me to contact You to inform You of, e.g., problems with your order, account etc., or even just to say thank You :). Opt-out: You can opt-out of marketing communications at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any marketing email or by contacting me directly.
  • Names: You may give me Your name(s) by various means (e.g., signing up for my mailing list, contacting me (e.g., by email, contact form, social media etc.), buying something, commenting etc.). I use Your name to address you in emails, comments, etc.


  • Payment details: I collect details about Your debit/credit card, PayPal etc., purely for lawful transactional purposes, e.g., if you buy something, receive a refund etc. However, I do not have direct access to the full details, as I use a payment gateway (see ‘Services used by Intercept Maths’ below).
  • User statistics: This may include, but is not limited to, what web pages You visit, how long You spend on them or the Intercept Maths website as a whole, geolocation data, the device type(s) You use to browse the Intercept Maths website, etc. I may also track and collect usage data when You open an email, e.g., if You open it or click, especially if You are subscribed to Intercept Maths’s mailing list. I may also track clicks, conversions etc., if You come to the Intercept Maths website after clicking on an ad. Also, if I serve ads on my website, they may track you across other websites. If I use a URL shortening tool (e.g.,, they may also track You across other websites. If You click on an affiliate link to another website, that link may also track You across other websites. If You click on an affiliate link for the Intercept Maths website, that may also track Your usage of the Intercept Maths website (e.g., if You make a purchase). I may also use snippets of code, tracking images, etc., to track Your usage of the Intercept Maths website. This is for analytical purposes.
  • Comments: If you post a comment on, for example, a blog post, that comment, along with Your email address and name, are stored in a database.
    There may be other types of data I collect, e.g., addresses. I do not knowingly sell any of Your personal data – it belongs to You, and selling it, I believe, is unethical and just plain creepy.

How I get Your personal data

I can get Your personal data by various means, including, but not limited to:

  • If You contact me (even if it is not on my website, e.g., on social media)
  • If You sign up for my mailing list
  • If You buy something from me or the Intercept Maths website
  • If You voluntarily give it to me
  • If I get it from another source (e.g., publicly available sources, another person etc.)
  • If I get it indirectly from various sources

If required to do so, I may share Your personal data with various organisations (e.g., the police). I do not knowingly sell Your personal data.

Lawful bases for collecting, storing and processing Your personal data

Under the UK GDPR (UK General Data Protection Regulation), the lawful bases for collecting, storing, and processing Your personal data are the following:

  • Your consent: You may revoke Your consent for me/Intercept Maths to collect, store, and process Your personal data at any time by emailing
  • Legitimate interest: The collecting, storing, and processing of Your personal data is necessary for Intercept Maths. I use it for marketing, analytics, contact etc., meaning I have a legitimate interest in collecting, storing, and processing Your personal data.

Again, I do not knowingly sell it, and I will only pass it on to someone else if absolutely necessary, e.g., in the prevention of a crime, request by the police, to save someone’s life etc.

Storing Your personal data

Your personal data is, to the best of my knowledge, stored safely and securely. I cannot 100% say it is completely secure, as every system has its weaknesses- even some of the most ‘secure’ companies have been hacked. However, it the best of my knowledge, Your personal data is secure.

Email addresses
  • Email addresses entered at checkout, unless You opt-in to sign up for my mailing list, are stored for 1 year before being deleted from the system. If You make another order in that time, the time until deletion resets back to 1 year.
  • Email addresses entered to sign up for my mailing list are stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by a) unsubscribing or b) contacting me directly. If you sign up for the mailing list but fail to confirm Your subscription by clicking the confirmation link in the confirmation email, Your email address will be deleted after 1 week.
  • Email addresses You use to contact me are also stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by contacting me directly. This also applies to email addresses You give me personally, e.g., on social media. If You contact me to request their deletion by email, unless You say otherwise, the email You used will also be deleted.
  • Email addresses used to make a profile to comment on the Intercept Maths website are also stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by contacting me directly. This is because they are needed to create Your profile to help reduce spam. If You contact me to request their deletion by email, unless You say otherwise, the email You used will also be deleted. Email addresses are not permanently deleted from the Intercept Maths database when You delete a comment.
  • Email addresses used to make an account on the Intercept Maths website are also stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by a) removing them from Your account, b) deleting Your account or c) contacting me directly.
  • I use Your name to address You in emails, comments etc.
  • Names You enter at checkout are stored for 1 year before they are deleted from the system. If You make another order in that time, the time until deletion resets back to 1 year.
  • Names You enter when You sign up for my mailing list are stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by a) unsubscribing or b) contacting me directly. If you sign up for the mailing list but fail to confirm Your subscription by clicking the confirmation link in the confirmation email, Your name will be deleted after 1 week.
  • Names You give me when You contact me (e.g., via email, social media, the contact form etc.) are stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by directly contacting me.
  • Names used to make a profile to comment on the Intercept Maths website are also stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by contacting me directly. This is because they are needed to create Your profile to help reduce spam. They are not permanently deleted from the Intercept Maths database when You delete a comment.
  • Names used to make an account on the Intercept Maths website are also stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by a) removing them from Your account, b) deleting Your account or c) contacting me directly.
Payment methods/details

When purchasing with a debit/credit card, the payment is processed by the Stripe payment gateway. I do not have direct access to this private information, other than a select few:

  • The last 4 digits of the card number
  • The expiry date
  • Card type (e.g., Vista, Mastercard etc.)
IP addresses

I use Google Analytics for my analytics, which does not give me access to the IP addresses of’s visitors. This means I don’t store them anywhere. Other services that may store IP addresses can be found below.

User statistics
  • I use Google Analytics for my website statistics (see the list of third-party services below for more details).
  • I may use other services to analyse the statistics of my website, e.g., Bitly (if I use it to shorten URLs).

Addresses entered at checkout when You purchase something are stored for 1 year before being deleted from the system. If You make another order in that time and enter Your address, the time until deletion resets back to 1 year.

Addresses You give me when You contact me (e.g. by email, social media etc) are stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by directly contacting me.

Addresses used to make an account on the Intercept Maths website are also stored indefinitely until You request their deletion by a) removing them from Your account, b) deleting Your account or c) contacting me directly.


Comments are stored indefinitely, until You a) delete them or b) You request their deletion by contacting me directly. I reserve the right to delete, remove, edit or otherwise modify any comments You post.

Please note that, under certain circumstances, I may not delete Your personal information, even if You request I do so, e.g. in the prevention of a crime, as evidence, to fight/prevent fraud, to save lives etc. Also, if You cannot prove that You are the owner of the data You are requesting for me to delete, I may not delete it. 

Security Assurance

Your personal data is stored securely using encryption, secure servers, and other measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure, and I cannot guarantee absolute security.

Services used by Intercept Maths

Intercept Maths may use various third-party services. These may include, but are not limited to:

Google Analytics

  • This website uses Google Analytics, which collects user statistics. This can include, but is not limited to, what web pages You visit, how long You spend on them or the Intercept Maths website as a whole, geolocation data, the device type(s) You use to browse the Intercept Maths website, etc.
  • Google Analytics anonymises the data it collects, meaning I don’t have direct access to the IP addresses of this website’s visitors.
  • You can read the privacy policy for Google Analytics here:

Facebook Pixel

  • Intercept Maths may use the Facebook Pixel to track visitor activity. The Facebook Pixel can track users across other websites if those websites also use the Facebook Pixel.
  • You can read the privacy policy for Facebook here:


  • I use the payment gateway Stripe to process card payments. This means that I do not have direct access to Your card information.
  • You can read the privacy policy for Stripe here:

Your data protection rights

You have the right to access, rectify, delete, restrict the processing of, or object to the processing of Your data. You also have the right to data portability and to lodge a complaint with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office).

  • Right of access: You can request a copy of the data I hold about You.
  • Right of rectification: You can request correction of any inaccurate or incomplete data.
  • Right to erasure: You can request deletion of Your data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing.
  • Right to restrict processing: You can request to restrict the processing of Your data under certain circumstances.
  • Right to data portability: You can request to transfer Your data to another data controller.
  • Right to object: You can object to the processing of Your data under certain circumstances.

These requests can be made free of charge and I will respond within one month. You can make these requests by contacting me at

Changes to this policy

I reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. Significant changes will be notified to You via email or by a notice on this website. If required, I will obtain Your renewed consent.

How to complain

If You have any concerns about my use of Your personal information, You can make a complaint to me at

You can also complain to the ICO if You are unhappy with how I have used Your data.

The ICO’s address:           

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website:

By continuing to use this website, You agree to this Privacy Policy.

Last updated: 1st July, 2024

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