A Beginner’s Guide to Fractions, Ratios, Decimals and Percentages (eBook)
In life or study, a good understanding of fractions, ratios, decimals and percentages is important. This eBook can teach you the basics of these, giving you a good foundation to build more maths skills on.

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Why should I get this guide?
Prepare for exams
Whatever maths exams you are studying for (especially if they are just around the corner!), knowing how to work with fractions, ratio, decimals and percentages is important. This eBook can help you with this.
Increase your day-to-day maths skills
In life, fractions, ratio, decimals and percentages are used all over the place. This could be finance/budgeting, business, education, cooking and so many other things. This eBook can help you learn these skills!
Access Anywhere
Because this is a digital study guide (in PDF format), you can read and study it any place, any time you can!
Who is this guide for?
You could be studying for exams, looking to increase your maths skills for a job/everyday life or simply wanting to refresh your understanding of these fundamental concepts.
What teacher doesn’t like maths resources that are cheap (or even free!), but also explains these concepts to students in a way that actually helps them understand it? Yup, this eBook can do just that.
If you are looking for a maths resource for your child/children, this guide can could be just what you are looking for! It explains fractions, ratios, decimals and percentages in a way that is clear and concise.
What grade is this guide directed at?
This guide is based on the GCSE maths curriculum in the UK. However, I have written it so that it can be applied to any grade or learning level where you need to learn the basics of fractions, ratios, decimals and percentages.
This means that wherever you are, in whatever country you are*, you can learn these important skills.
A Beginner’s Guide to Fractions, Ratios, Decimals and Percentages (eBook)
In life or study, a good understanding of fractions, ratios, decimals and percentages is important. This eBook can teach you the basics of these, giving you a good foundation to build more maths skills on.

Download it for free when you sign up for my mailing list!
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Please be sure to check your spam/junk/bulk folder for all emails coming from Intercept Maths. I don’t send spam, but my emails do sometimes end up in there.
I never sell your personal information. You can cancel at anytime.
Currently, there are no physical versions available. However, feel free to print it out for your own use!
This eBook covers the fundamental concepts of fractions, ratios, decimals and percentages. It first sets the stage by explaining the basics of each subject, then goes on to explain them further with detailed explanations and step-by-step examples. The topics covered include:
- the different types of fraction
- how to add and subtract fractions
- how to multiply and divide fractions
- lowest common multiples (LCM)
- what are ratios
- how to simplify ratios
- how to scale ratios
- the difference between recurring and non-recurring decimals
- what is a percentage
- how to calculate percentages
- how to find percentages of amounts
- how to calculate percentage change
- simple interest
- compound interest
- converting fractions, decimals and percentages