Intercept Maths

Metres to Star Destroyer Length Converter

Result will appear here...

...and here it'll say what might happen.

This calculator takes in metres and converts them to Star Destroyer lengths. Choose from 8 different types of Star Destroyer. Here’s their lengths:

  • Imperial I-class Star Destroyer: 1600.52 meters
  • Imperial II-class Star Destroyer: 1600 meters
  • Victory-class Star Destroyer: 900 meters
  • Venator-class Star Destroyer: 1137 meters
  • Interdictor-class Star Destroyer: 1129 meters
  • Tector-class Star Destroyer: 1600 meters
  • Gladiator-class Star Destroyer: 600 meters
  • Secutor-class Star Destroyer: 2200 meters

This calculator also tells you what might happen if the shown amount of Star Destroyers appear. It could be a small fleet or so many that they’ll collapse into a black hole!

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