Intercept Maths

Updated and effective from 2nd July 2024

Welcome to Intercept Maths! Please read these terms and conditions carefully, as they govern your use of this website ( By using this website, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please do not use this website.

By using this website, you also agree to my Privacy Policy, which can be found here.

I reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions without prior notice. By continuing to use this website after changes are made, you signify your agreement to the new terms and conditions.


  • This website” / “website” / “Intercept Maths” refers to, including any subdomains.
  • You” / “Your” refers to the user of this website or Products.
  • I” / “me” refers to Tom Smith, the owner of this website and Products.
  • Products” / “Product” refers to any product sold on this website.
  • Content” refers to all content on this website, including images, text, etc.

Governing law

These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.

Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer

I strive to ensure that all content on this website, including links to third-party websites, is safe. However, I cannot accept any liability for viruses, malware, or device damage resulting from the use of this website.

While I aim for accuracy, I cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or errors on this website.

I cannot accept liability for your satisfaction with the website, any downtime/maintenance, or the suitability of any product you purchase.

I cannot accept liability for damages caused by third parties, including but not limited to third-party tools, plugins, services, or other users.

User conduct

By using this website and/or Products, you agree not to:

  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to this website, including uploading viruses or malicious code.
  • Attempt to disrupt or impair this website, including launching DDoS attacks.
  • Use this website or Products in any unlawful, fraudulent, violent, harmful, or unethical manner.
  • Collect or access data without prior consent, including using web scraping tools.
  • Breach copyright or other rights of any content or products on this website.

You also agree not to support, facilitate, or endorse any third party in committing the above actions.

Account Suspension and Content Removal

If you breach these terms and conditions, I reserve the right to suspend or delete any account or profile you have on this website. I also reserve the right to remove any content you post/upload, including comments, if they breach these terms and conditions or otherwise require removal.

You may appeal content removal or account suspension decisions by contacting me at


If you wish to discuss these terms and conditions, please contact me at Please expressly state your wish to discuss these terms and conditions in your email.

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